
Public Education Candidate Forum to feature D.C. Parents, Students and Community members


Public Education Candidate Forum to feature D.C. Parents, Students and Community members

Local education organizations to co-host forum addressing parental engagement, community schools, student support services, English language supports, and other education issues 

Washington, DC— With the primaries drawing near, it’s time the community weighs in on what’s being said about education in the District. Education issues continue to be at the forefront of candidate’s speeches and on Wednesday, August 18th, D.C. parents, students and community members will be asking the questions.

DC VOICE, as part of Communities for Education Organizing (CEO), is co-hosting an education focused Candidate Forum on August 18th at 6:30pm at Charles Sumner School, 1201 17th St., NW and invites the public to come hear firsthand what the candidates are saying about education reform in the District.

Communities for Education Organizing (CEO) is a coalition of DC-based organizations that are working towards improving public education. The coalition is comprised of progressive nonprofit organizations including DC Language Access Coalition, DC VOICE, Empower DC, S.T.E.P. Up DC, and Youth Education Alliance. CEO is a non-partisan, non-endorsing collaborative that represents over 600 DC parents, students, and community members. Jointly CEO has mobilized thousands of DC residents to action around education issues and other issues that affect Washington, DC residents.

During this past budget season, CEO was successful in urging City Council to hold a Community Budget Hearing during non-traditional hours so that parents, students and the general public could be included in the budget process. CEO organized one hundred community members to attend the Saturday hearing and continues to ensure that community members are viewed as important stakeholders in the District.

Similarly, Wednesday’s Candidate Forum allows for community members to join the political realm and comment on issues that ultimately affect their everyday lives. The forum is also being co-hosted by the Community Foundation for the National Capital Region and will include Mayoral, Chairman, and At-large candidates as well as feature D.C. parents, students and community members.

For more information on the Improving Public Education Candidate Form, please send an email to or call 202-986-8535.



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