
DC VOICE May 2011 Town Hall Series


DC VOICE & Community Partners

Town Hall Meetings &
 the Community Kick Off of “Move It
The community project to move harmful negative distractions from school communities.
Please put the following dates on your calendars and come out to one of these Town Halls:

Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Roosevelt SHS
4301 13th St NW
6-8 PM

Friday, May13, 2011
Cardozo SHS
1200 Clifton St NW

Saturday, May 21, 2011
HD Woodson SHS
4650 Benning Rd SE
10-12 NOON

DC VOICE and its partners are hosting a trio of Town Hall gatherings in different parts of the city, with a two-part agenda based on this year’s Ready High Schools Project findings. 

In addition to data collected by DC VOICE community action researchers, we and our partners will present information on our community and schools, and hear from policymakers about plans for the future. 

Partners include: 21st  Century School Fund• Capitol Hill Public School Parent Organization• Coalition for Community Schools• Columbia Heights Shaw Family Collaborative •Concerned Parents of Petworth • Crossing the Lines •DC Latin American Youth Center • DC PIRC • Empower DC • Georgia Avenue Rock Creek East Family Collaborative • Higher Achievement • Many Languages One Voice• Roosevelt SHS Parents• Teaching for Change •  Youth Education Alliance


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